Is it time for a rebrand?

If you’re like me, once the calendar turns, I’m ready to run towards my goals. As a designer this is exactly the time of year that I receive the most inquiries regarding rebranding. But is it the right time to rebrand? Here is my encouragement: pause, reflect, valuate, and then take action in the right direction. 

Initially, you might want to ask: 

• Why do you want a rebrand? 

• Is it necessary? Will it move me closer towards my goal? (Whether that’s revenue or something else.) 

• What's your budget? The last I read, it's typical for companies to designate 10% of revenue to marketing, brand management included. So of that 10% marketing budget, it's important to determine how much you'd like to spend, keeping in mind that if it’s done right it will be a one-time investment.  

Reasons why it might be time to rebrand: 

  1. You aren't reaching your target audience. Perhaps the inquiries you're receiving aren't your ideal customers. Intrinsically, certain people, demographics, gravitate towards certain aesthetics and yours aren't hitting how you'd hoped.

  2. You're dealing with decision fatigue. Every time you sit down to create an ad or social media post — you second-guess your logo or maybe it doesn't fit the space. You change colors and fonts all the time. Grabbing a generic template on Canva is your go-to. 

  3. Your graphics are not cohesive or consistent. It doesn't tell your story or invite others in visually. 

  4. You want to reinvent yourself or communicate a fresh start. Perhaps, your services or products have changed or become innovative in a different way. 

  5. Your logo can't be trademarked because it's from Canva (Canva can be GREAT when you're just starting and don't have any revenue, but unfortunately you do not own a logo premade in Canva; therefore, you can't trademark/copyright it legally.)

  6. Your business often gets confused with another. Perhaps, your colors/fonts/imagery is very similar. Others often mistake you and your brand for someone else.


Reasons why it might be good to wait on a rebrand:

  1. The budget you have might not get you the long-lasting, timeless result you want. Saving to invest for something you'll love for the long haul might be better in the long run. 

  2. It could be that you have a logo you love, you just need to build consistent fonts, a color story, and some unique illustrations around what you have that will help bring your visual identity to life, giving it overall cohesion. 

If you're wanting to bring cohesion and consistency to your brand this year, this FREE workbook and checklist is for you! 

Kayla PhillipsComment